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Horse Floats
The Tandem Float is a straight loader. It carries 2 Horses in it.
The Tandem + 1 also carries 2 horses but has 1 extra meter in the front of the float to be able to carry extra gear or have utility's in the front to make the weekend run smoother.
Private Parties
Our Angle Loader comes to meet your wants, Slimline or fatline.
Living in the front and carries 2 or 3 horses in the back
BQ model - Living and toliet/shower cubical in the front and it can carry 2 horses
No living and it carries upto 4 horses
Corporate Events
Our Straight loaders comes to meet your wants, slimline or fatline
Living in the front and carries 2 horses in the back
JW Weekender - Living and toliet/shower cubical in the front and it can carry 2 horses

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